By Linwood Wickett

By Linwood Wickett

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sky Diver

Ah, it was a beautiful day, and a great day to complete my photo group assignment of "self portrait." 
I was going to jump off the roof of my 2-story house, but I am afraid of heights. So I thought I would try it on a step ladder instead. 
I gathered up my umbrella parachute, orange helmet, sky diving goggles, long underwear suit, a red cape and started out the door. Nancy caught me and asked what I was doing, and then rolled her eyes. As I emerged from the basement with 2 stepladders, 2 long mirrors, and a couple of props for the mirrors, I started assembling them in the driveway. 
"You're not going to do that where all the neighbors can see you, are you?" Nancy was apparently not amused.

"But I have to have a clear shot at the sky!"

"Well then, I am going shopping and won't be back until after dark!"

Such is the life of a photo crack-pot.


Lin Wickett

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dick's Photo Meeting Gift

For years, Dick has been harassing me about my 110 film camera, ASA 400 film, and flash cubes. But upgrading cameras is so expensive! To mend my broken heart, he presented me with a beautifully wrapped gift at last week's photo meeting.

The thoughtful gift may have a prominent place in my home. Nancy has given me some ideas. Thank you Dick for being such a generous person!


Lin Wickett

NHAA Photo Group


Monday, March 5, 2012

Persistent Squirrel

It is difficult to constantly monitor the birdfeeder, which is about 4 feet outside our family room window. While we are not looking, the doves swoop in, and the starlings arrive in swarms, stealing the birdseed away from our friends, the bluebirds, cardinals, finches, and chickadees. But the doves and starlings scurry out of there when we open the window and clap our hands. However, there is one persistent red squirrel that is not so skittish. I have opened the window, asked him/her to leave, snapped my fingers and accused the squirrel of being a thief. I even told it that Nancy will come and chase it away. All of those tactics were to no avail and the little furry varmint only leaves on its own terms. So the other day (and today), I tried to wave at the critter with a short stick. I was ignored. Then I pulled out the dust mop for a better reach with the handle. I was ignored again. I even nudged it and tickled it on the back with the makeshift hanging string. Other than the need to buy more birdseed than normal, the little creature has provided some winter entertainment. As it would be hard for some to imagine, I have included 2 photos. The first was the squirrel watching the mop handle approaching, and the second was it ignoring me and returning to eating the birdseed.

Always keep a camera handy,
Linwood “Lin” Wickett
The Blank Stare
(Low-level photography humor)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Who is this Nut, Linwood Wickett?

Who is this nut, Linwood Wickett?

Since there is no “About” tab on The Blank Stare blog site, it is probably a good time to explain the culprit instigating this low level humor photography blog, and (sort of) set the record straight. Jim Dricker, a remote Georgia member of our Photo Group in Portsmouth, NH, asked me to send along my silly photo stories for new blog postings. So, first let me list his link and his introductory comments.

Jim’s blog is a more useful and serious format and has a link to his great galleries and website.

Here is Jim’s introduction…

”I recently urged a friend to start blogging the e-mails he periodically sends out to fellow photographers who attend monthly meetings at the New Hampshire Art Association. His name is Linwood Wickett and he has the kind of humor that's come to be associated with native born residents of the state of Maine. I think it's called Yankee Humor. Lin is self-effacing and master of the understatement.

Lin's response to my suggestion was, "What's a blog?" Now, this guy is no fool. He surfs the internet for what he calls "bahgins" and knows how to put out e-mails to groups. Plus, he's a retired airline pilot who once crash landed a fighter jet on a sandy beach. He just likes to be considered unsophisticated and new to the ways of the world. And he enjoys pulling other people's legs.”

For the record:

I inherited my sense of humor from my late Mom and Dad, especially Dad, who found humor in many things others failed to see. So, likewise, I leave some others moaning and groaning with a curious look on their faces, or otherwise rolling their eyes in pity.

But I digress. Regarding the crash landing story from Jim, it was a mix-up of two newspaper stories I was telling him about after a photo meeting at the Rusty Hammer, a not so fast-food place for slow evenings in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The first was in regard to the picture in my Wickett Family Scrapbook with the front-page Bangor Daily News story about the crash landing of my fighter jet on the runway at Bangor, Maine. The second was about me being chased by a huge dog on South Beach in Miami, and tripping beside a young lady who happened to be a reporter. I swear I maintained eye contact at all times! She reported, “Pilot crashes on South Beach after being chased by a Chihuahua.” (A Chihuahua is a big dog, isn’t it?)
Jim got the two stories mixed when he was distracted the blonde waitress who caringly flashed her eyes and asked him for his order. I swear that both of us maintained eye contact with her at all times! A picture of the jet crash is attached at the end. (Yes, I survived the 1973 crash!)

As for my photography, I have accumulated boxes of cameras, equipment and photos over the years. My photo interests are varied, depending on the mood and circumstances in which I find myself. I am a juried member of the New Hampshire Art Association and been involved with photo exhibitions and photography projects in the NH area. I enjoy photo history and digital photo restoration. As this blog is already lengthy, I will stop here.

If you dig deep from time to time, you may find a useful piece of information.
Attached photo is courtesy of The Bangor Daily News.

Best regards
Linwood “Lin” Wickett
The Blank Stare

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bird's Eye Reflections

As I look at my back yard bird pictures, I am reminded of an old song. (Yes, I am kindah old!) The words go something like” “I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me…” Okay, okay, you won’t find the song on the heavy metal juke box, nor on the cable rap channel. You may find it on an old Lawrence Welk rerun.
But I digress. We noticed in the eyes of the birds, the reflection of our family room window. I suppose, if you could look between the pixels, you would see me warming up the NH winter with my window open and my finger on the shutter button.
The first of 3 photos is a cardinal. The second is of two bluebirds. The third is of a brown back, long tailed, seed stealer. Check the eyes real close.

As they say in the nut house, cashew later!
Linwood Wickett

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Memorial Bridge - Auld Lang Syne

            February 15, 2012 was a parting of an era. It was the drearily cloudy day that the 2 million pound 89-year-old center span of the Memorial Bridge linking Portsmouth, NH to Kittery, ME, would disappear down the Piscataqua River to eventually end as scrap metal in the Boston area. I liken it to a time when all of us living creatures here on earth must give way to new lives that will follow our demise. A new bridge will be in place in a year or two.

The crowds were smaller than the week before when the span was lowered onto the Cape Cod barge. Last week, there were technical delays, delays due to the timing of the tides, and the needed rest of the workers. Additionally, there was the nerve-wracking time pressure from the 72-hour Coast Guard permit for closing the waterway at the bridge. After 3 days of spectators waiting in the cold for the bridge to be floated away, the hearty who endured were blessed with the spectacle of the bridge being floated away the night of February 9th. It rested for several hours at the Portsmouth Scrap Metal Facility. The next day, it was docked beside the rest of the bridge at Prescott Park until today. At about 1pm today, the tugboats maneuvered the barge and bridge span into the main part of the river and started the journey out toward Portsmouth Harbor.

After taking several pictures of the initial part of the cruise, I raced to the center deck over the water at Prescott Park to catch more photos as the flotilla headed outbound. As the tugboats pushed the barge and bridge past the spectators on the decks, a lady started singing “Auld Lang Syne,” without musical accompaniment. She had a beautiful voice, but at first, a couple of people looked as if they thought the singer was out of place. Then, as the flotilla cruised by, I think all were caught up in the moment. The lady continued singing as the barge floated past 4 Tree Island, the Naval Shipyard, and Pierce Island. I felt a little chocked up at the scene of the abandoned bridge floating past the abandoned Naval Prison. My eyes watered, but perhaps it was merely from the cool gentle breeze. Then again, perhaps it was from the sentimental spirit I inherited from my late mother and father. It was a parting I shall remember for the rest of my days.

Linwood Wickett

February 15, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bird Feeder Evolution

Every time I turn on the TV, I am reminded that this is a political year.  In political years, fears equal votes.  Scientific funding depends on politicians. Reference: State of Fear by Michael Crichton.  I am sorry if I offend anyone, but I have to give the facts, which are backed up by my extensive research.  The current mild temperatures we are experiencing here in New Hampshire are not due to global warming!  The warming trend is actually due to me sitting in our family room with the window open for hours, foolishly taking thousands of pictures of birds in the back yard!  My extensive research consisted of comparing my July fuel bill to those in December and January. The bills show a dramatic increase in heating fuel usage during that period.  I suspect that, by looking at January’s bill, that the warming trend has crept into neighboring Massachusetts and Maine.

But I digress.  Over the past several years, our bird feeders have evolved.  Early on, we spent all of our lottery winnings ($3) on commercial bird feeders.  Secondary to doing good deeds with feeds, we started snapping pictures of the little creatures using the new world of digital cameras.  We liked open feeders, but this is New Hampshire.  We get snow,  mostly during the winter.

(See Picture 1) So, in order to get better lighting for picture taking, I built an open bird feeder with a feeder chute and a ¼ inch Plexiglas roof.  It was then mounted it on a PVC pole with a large cutting board and a PVC flange.  The feeder was about 30 ft from our window and was large enough for a wild turkey (not the kind that comes in a bottle).  It was great for the birds, but the problem with the photos is something called “depth of field.” The other problem, which I will discuss my solution later, is that the farther one gets from the camera lens, the softer the details of the small bird feathers.  I don’t want to sell my house to buy the lens that would fix that problem.  Plus, if I wanted to take that lens anywhere, and mounted it on a tripod in the back of my pickup, the border guards between New Hampshire and Maine might suspect it was a giant weapon of some kind.

(See Picture 2)  I like natural.  (Not referring to how often I take a shower)  Not that the birds care, but some professional photographer from Manhattan might.  One day, one of them was talking to lowly me in a gallery in Portsmouth.  He obviously had no intention of buying, but commented that he found a pixel on the 6 ft x 8 ft photograph on the corner wall.  After he left, I followed him as he went around the corner and got into his rusted 1973 Pinto he had parked on the back street.  You just can’t please everyone!

Where was I?  Anyway, to give a little natural flavor, I screwed a section of birch tree branch to the front of the bird feeder and attached a small wooden bowl to it.  A section of the branch shows in the photo (#2) by Nancy (thru a window glass) of the woodpecker and the cardinal.  The narrow branch and bowl helped, but we still got a little softening due to the distance.  We often find we get sharper pictures with less expensive zoom cameras, even at closer distances. But we also get more noise (aka graininess in films) Of course, I probably have no idea of how to use my cameras.

(See Picture 3)  Simultaneously, we had bird feeders closer to the house.  One was an umbrella feeder that the cardinals loved, but the pictures were unusable, as the birds continued to artistically express themselves on the bottom and edges of the feeder.  We are planning to use small lighthouses, picnic tables, and various toys to give a variety of pictures for (our) entertainment.  Most recently, continuing the natural scene, I used a weathered stick on a pole with a small branch attached and clicked a few more pictures. The small vertical branch seems to help the less expensive cameras find some better reference for faster focus. Picture 3 was taken with an SLR to push up the ISO (like film speed) in order to achieve a faster shutter speed (like shutter speed).

(See Picture 4)  Maybe in the future, we will become more natural by adding a feeder of sorts to the peach tree where the doves like to rest.

Until then, keep your lens clean.
Lin Wickett

Friday, January 27, 2012

Moon Photo

Last year (2011) the moon made its closest approach in decades.
I thought it would be a good time to experiment with my new Canon Power Shot SX 30 IS camera with 35x zoom.
(The newer version of the camera is the SX 40)
It is kind of eerie to look upon another planet/moon so close.
The photo was cropped and a touch of Photo Shop and Topaz added to enhance the contrast.
There may be some noise, but it is hard to distinguish noise from the small craters.

Taken March 19, 2011
F 5.8
Shutter 1/200 sec
ISO 100
Tripod with self timer shutter release

Keep your lens clean

Linwood "Lin" Wickett

Thursday, January 26, 2012

HDR Experiment

The Worm Hole

There I was, 20 feet above sea level, at a Photo Discussion Group meeting at the gallery in Portsmouth, NH. As my photography skills and knowledge are quite shallow, I was trying to hide my usual blank stare during the technical discussions. Then one of the geeks in the room started talking about his HDR, whatever that means. It was "HDR this and HDR that!". Like my father, who was as deaf as a fence post, I bobbled my head in agreement, pretending I had a clue about he was talking about. When I got home, I went to bed and tossed and turned wondering "What the heck is HDR?" After 5 seconds of this thought, I fell asleep. The next day, or the day after the next day, I tried to find out what HDR was so I would not look so foolish at the next meeting. The best answer I found, that I could understand, was it was a combination of multiple pictures and snag the best of each to combine into one picture. My ADD wouldn't allow me to search any further for a while, but I thought I would try an experiment with my foggy new knowledge.

So, I got out 3 of my best cameras, mounted them on a tripod from the attic with my best red duct tape, and got the HDR experiment ready for a night shot. (See the first picture for my camera set up, taken with my trusty 110 film camera.) By the way, if anyone has any better way to connect a camera to my tripod, I would appreciate the knowledge.

Anyway, I toddled up to York Maine and set my HDR equipment in action. Then I took the pictures to a local photo processing place and asked them to make an HDR photo out of the three pictures. "What's HDR?" they asked. I had no answer, so, I asked them to just send them pictures off with a note to combine the pictures and see what happens.

Ninety-five dollars later, I got my picture, which I call "Through the Worm Hole." It isn't like the worm hole that the crows and robins peck into in my back yard, but more like the science fiction type. Although, from what I understand about worm holes in space, going through one would be like a person drawn through one like worms use.

Okay, Nancy is calling me for lunch, so..

Keep your lens clean,

Linwood "Lin" Wickett


Friday, January 13, 2012

Nubble Light Windy Night

Nancy stayed in Maine with her family for a few days after Christmas, but I hit the road early to get home to NH and twiddle my thumbs. It was now the evening she was coming home, but it was also a relatively warm night. So I decided to drop into Portsmouth for another Night On The Town (photographically speaking). I thought I had better get my last night pictures of the Memorial Bridge before they closed it to foot traffic, permanently. (It's being torn down, doncha know!) Then came a thought of brilliance, "Maybe it would be a good time to toddle up to Nubble Light in Cape Neddick, Maine." I got there, got out of my car with camera in hand, and realized I didn't have my tripod camera attachment.

Okay, home was only 40 minutes away, give or take 6.5 minutes, so I thought this might be my last chance to catch the Nubble holiday lights. After the round trip, and two cups of coffee, I arrived to the clear night at Nubble Light, once again. The temperature may have been relatively warm, but the wind was howling and produced a severe wind chill. After setting up my camera and tripod, part of my anatomy, that I don't usually see in the mirror, froze off and landed in the parking lot. With a slow shutter speed, the wind, and my falling body part, The picture got a little skewed.

Luckily, I got one okay picture by sitting in the back seat with my tripod and camera. Nancy had left the dog's pillow bed in my car, so it helped relieve the backside pain. I swear the picture is not an Etch-A-Sketch! Also, as it was a clear night, the beacon was not operating.

My cell phone rang. It was Nancy. "Where are you?" she yelled. "I have suppah ready and it is getting cold. (Suppah? She is from Maine) Get your butt home, now!"

"Just one more picture," I begged, as I reached back to the parking lot to fetch my fallen body part.

Cell phone still in hand, I tried to grab one more picture and heard her say "NOW!"

All I remember is a very dizzy feeling and suddenly I was back in my driveway, still in the back seat with the camera and tripod.

Was it a dream? I thought so, until I took a look at my pictures, especially the last one.

Keep your lens clean,

Linwood "Lin" Wickett